Lighthouse Occupational Therapy is not accepting new clients at this time.
Lighthouse Occupational Therapy is not accepting new clients at this time.
The most effective way to achieve the best results with therapy - at any age - is by looking at the whole person….and the whole environment. The involvement of family members, school staff, employers, and other healthcare professionals is essential to effective, and long-term, results for an individual.
Occupational Therapy can provide training and consultation with regards to an individual client, or general training to staff at schools, daycares, community organizations, health care centres, companies, and other healthcare providers. Common areas of requested training include: sensory processing, written communication, motor skills, or diagnosis specific information and strategies.
Please contact Lighthouse Occupational Therapy if you are interested in booking an in-service or workshop.
Occupational Therapy Corporate Educational Training
Navigating the path to a greater independant you!